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Glacier Bay National Park

June 2016

On my way taking the Alaska Marine Highway through the Inside Passage, I took a side trip to visit Glacier Bay National Park. I was basically just a tourist taking the boat trip around the bay, but still enjoyed the plethora of wildlife, amazing scenery, and of course the glaciers. Kayaking here would have been amazing, but schedule, cost, and logistics did not work out. Hopefully there will be another spot in Alaska I can kayak dangerously close to a calving glacier. As such I will not write too much on Glacier Bay and just present a few pictures from my cruise.

Sea Otter

Sea Otter

Sea lions and birds

Sea lions and birds



Mountain goats

Mountain goats

Margerie Glacier

Margerie Glacier

Margerie Glacier framed by a cruise ship
Johns Hopkins Glacier

Johns Hopkins Glacier

A cove off Glacier Bay

A cove off Glacier Bay